Help with Syma X5C reciever antenna

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Magniko, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. Magniko

    Magniko New Member


    tl;dr, I extended my receiver antenna to 1/2 wavelength and notice that the range has gotten shorter than the stock antenna

    So I decided to solder the transmitter antenna so it became 12.5cm in total.
    As one of the motors was broken, and the spare parts from China has yet to arrive, I didn't get to test the range by flying.
    So instead I went to a field, put the transmitter down with the antenna pointing up towards the sky, and walked with the drone in my hands until it started blinking.
    To my surprise, I managed to get strong signal even as far as 260m(end of field), but it highly depended on the direction of the drone itself. From the sides, front and top it managed to get that far, while from below and rear, it didn't last longer than until 100m(still plenty)

    So I thought maybe I can get some better results if the receiver antenna is pointing in other directions, testing it out with the cover removed and me adjusting it to see when it stops blinking and I seemed to be correct about this. I managed to put it in such a way that the signal would be slightly stable at 260m from the bottom and from the rear and front while sides and top it would go out 100m.
    But according to what alot of forumers and YouTuber's have said, extending the receiver antenna to 1/2 wavelength(6.25cm) should extend the range, and therefore probably make the receiver have stronger signal all around

    So i decided to do this, unsoldering the stock antenna, and then soldering a copper cable of similar gauge(similar in characteristics of the stock antenna too), and then decided to test it again with the same method
    But this time, but to my disappointment, it didn't seem to go much further than 70-100m.
    Now, I tried to do the same but by adjusting the antenna to no luck. I accidentally broke the antenna off the solder this time, but that's a smaller concern.
    Now, I don't think I can resolder the old antenna back as I have pretty much taken off the rubber cap and as it consists of a bunch of smaller wires twisted togheter, making it impossible to put the cap back on
    So does any of you have any suggestion on what I can do to get my range back? As in how long the TX and RX antennas should be, what direction they should point, if cobber is a good material to use etc.? I hope I can simply just cut the wire to 3.1cm to get it back to its original state like with the stock antenna.

    My ideal range would be +140m-150m, so if anyone knows how to achieve this without having to do any massive expensive makeovers, I would love to know.

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