Has anyone flown their drone off of a mountain?

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by tkddroid, Aug 3, 2016.


Have you flown your drone off a mountain top?

  1. yes

  2. no

  1. tkddroid

    tkddroid New Member

    This may be more of a physics question, and it also may be a dumb question. I just got a Hubsan Quads H501s with the long range antenna mod, and we are planning a trip to our family cabin here in Utah. Just a 1/4 mile hike from our cabin is a lookout where you can see Zion and Kolab. I will attach a picture! If i fly my drone off the side of the mountain where there is a GIANT dropoff, will it drop? Or can it maintain its height even though now the ground below is much further than the max altitude the drone is supposed to handle? I'm nervous to take it over the ledge.
    DSC_0457.JPG DSC_0471.JPG DSC_0464.JPG
    TheFPVdrone likes this.
  2. tkddroid

    tkddroid New Member

    My only concern isn't it dropping, but also maybe some kind of updraft blowing it away...... basically, I'm just nervous and am thinking of everything that can go wrong... :)
  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I've flown my P3 off the side of a local mountain - but it's only about 800 feet high.
    You could certain test it on a more reasonable sloped area and work your way up.
    I have a high degree of confidence in my P3
    I have had it for a year and I think I know how it reacts....
    T.C. and tkddroid like this.
  4. Klattu

    Klattu New Member

    Did you try yet ?
  5. T.C.

    T.C. Member

    How is your h501s, mine sucked, it had a mind of it's own and dropped itself in the middle of a lake and sunk. When I first bought it and turned on the drone, it tried to take off. I quickly threw my hands on the top to prevent take off and losing it and unplugged the battery. Cut my hand, but i was good.

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