Getting started and worried

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by Woki33, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. Woki33

    Woki33 New Member

    I saw a guy with a phantom in the park and really got in to this and want to start building my own. However I just saw that here in the uk some guy got fined for flying it.

    Can anyone tell me what the rules are about where you can fly
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    There is no set of rules - but in general places such as
    conservation land
    school fields (not during school or sports hours)
    parks or township land - again, when few or no people are around
    private property and farms, etc (with permission).
    Local R/C clubs usually have fields which they lease or run.

    Here is a short article with some ideas. If you are creative you can definitely find places...unless you live in a very big city. In that case you may want to just get a small indoor models and practice.

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