Review or Mini-Review Genuine Syma X5C-1

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by technickel5, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. technickel5

    technickel5 New Member

    This review is mostly a bunch of random thoughts connected with my recent purchase of a Syma X5C-1 drone. I hope there are some things that are of value to DroneFlyers.

    After a bad experience with a knock-off "Syma" X5C-1 from eBay, I got a refund from the seller who claimed that an employee mislabeled the copter. They then relabeled it as "Best X5C-1". The knock-off quit working, so it is useless at this point. Anyway, I got a refund.

    I bit the bullet again and ordered a genuine Syma X5C-1 from Syma at I bought it with $40 in Bing points and supplemented the rest of the $53.51 price with cash. (I also bought $5.31 of insurance, which is likely to be worthless, but I'll try the insurance anyway.)

    I find that this drone works a lot better than the knock-off did and with the very nice weather outside, I took my chances and flew it outside. My first 2 Mp video was very sharp, but was mostly a selfie that ended with a crash in my garden. (I ran out of battery and didn't see the flashing lights that warn of impending battery failure.) Per the instructions I took off the blade guards. I suppose the reason for removing the guards is that it is less likely to get hung up in the trees or bushes when I nose around the squirrel family.

    I hope to enjoy this drone for awhile and probably will have to spring for new motors at some point.

    I bought some extra batteries to extend the play time, but am a little leery about their value. The original battery was 500 mAh, and the three new ones are 650 mAh. They barely fit in the compartment, but I can manage to put them in. I haven't checked the flying time, but don't think that there is any extra flying time, even though the capacity is supposed to be more. I can't imagine fitting a 750 mAh into the copter without snipping the support for it or making some modification of the battery compartment.

    Another issue with more batteries seems to be that running the copter too long may burn out the motors faster. Somewhere I think they recommend a 10 minute rest between battery changes. A thought to keep in m mind.

    Since I wasn't asked to return the knock-off, I'm thinking of using those motors when these give up. I tried to use the knock-off controller with this one, but apparently there is a difference in frequencies or something that makes it incompatible. In any case, it doesn't connect. It looks like the blades and blade guards from the knock-off may fit, so there may be some salvage value there.

    Back to the knock-off controller, I'm wondering if it could be used with the controller board on the knock-off copter for RF control of something else. I may give that a try.

    I've attached a sticker label with my FAA hobby license, although for this lightweight copter, it isn't necessary. I put my phone number on the label as well in case it gets lost. I also used double-stick carpet tape to tape a Tile lost key finder onto the drone. That may or may not work, depending on how far away the drone goes by itself.

    webman likes this.
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Would have made more sense to only color the front props, as an orientation aid. I also usually wrap a band of some colored tape around the 2 front arms.

    I also like to remove the 'tree hooks'.


    Good Luck.
    technickel5 likes this.
  3. Steve95

    Steve95 New Member

    I have a Syma x5sc that I have owned for 3 months. I fly it at least 4 times a week. I have not experienced the motor problems and definitely do not wait 10 minutes between flights. I have eight batteries and fly, change battery and fly again. I usually go through 4 to 6 batteries one right after another. In 3 months I have changed out four motors and felt most were caused by less than desired landings.

    Just my experience............................
    technickel5 likes this.
  4. technickel5

    technickel5 New Member

    That looks like good idea. I'll do that as well. It will be much harder to get hung up without those hooks. And, while it doesn't cover the rotors as well, it's a lot better than running without them at all. On another topic, I just timed two of my new 650 mAh batteries, and they get almost 9 minutes in-air flying time each. Eight minutes 44 seconds to be exact. I'm OK with that.
  5. technickel5

    technickel5 New Member

    I like your experience. Maybe I'll be braver now.

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