First drone, first post: Help with Xiro Xplorer please!

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Equity, May 4, 2017.

  1. Equity

    Equity New Member

    Hi guys,

    I have just unboxed my Xiro Xplorer (v) a few hours ago. It is in flight mode 2 (which i havent touched)

    I cannot get the rotors to spin and assume its because the controller and the drone are not pairing (the drone LED on the controller is red)

    I have followed the instructions to pair the drone and the controller, it turns green in coding mode, then i turn the controller and the drone off.

    When i turn them back on again the drone LED is red (which I assume means they arent talking)

    The controller is also constantly vibrating. The joystick controls move the camera up and drown and left and right...but I cannot get the drone to do anything at all. one set of LEDs on the drone are solid red, and the other two are flashing red and yellow.

    Am I doing something wrong.....or.....should I install the latest firmware? or just return the drone for a replacement??? or....

    Please help!!!
  2. Equity

    Equity New Member

    hmmm it paired today for about 5 mins....beginning to think there is a fault. Firmware update or return??
  3. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    If you can, get a refund and buy something else. Those things are plagued with problems and CS is pretty much nonexistent.

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