My controller says I have 12 satellites, and I have tried every button on it - but she still won't fly! Both the throttle and the auto take-off button, do not work. The auto-land button shuts off the motors. Where am I going wrong? Drones shouldn't be this hard! (I'm trying to upload a 11 MB video, but it's saying it's too big!)
Thanks for your response RG. I have been able to get it to fly recently - but even going strictly by the book, it's a hit-and-miss proposition. After doing the dance and the calibrations, if the lights are NOT solid, I have to start over. I'm starting to be more successful, in getting it in the air. I got it thru Gearbest. Tomorrow - I'll try using the phone app. Thanks again.
Well FWIW if it's new, open a claim and make a video that clearly shows the problem and send it to GB. You will have to be persistent (a few back and forth emails) but eventually they will give you a credit for the full amount. You will not have to return the old one. Good luck.