F330 Quadcopter Help

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by Sameera Sandaruwan, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Sameera Sandaruwan

    Sameera Sandaruwan New Member

    I have assembled a F330 quadcopter. But when I start flying it, I get a weird problem. When I give it a little throttle and keep it there, the propeller speeds doesn't stay the same. The increase, every propeller in different rates and then suddenly go crazy. I have tried 2 flight controllers. CC3D and KK2.1.5. Can someone please tell me what can be the problem.
    The video is below.
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Can't tell about the props, but your one motor at least, appears to be spinning in the wrong direction.

    Wrong way.png


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