DJI sent me some coupon codes with a one-time use. I assume they are only good on DJI's site. They give you 5% off whatever the current prices are. I know that Phantoms are already heavily discounted, so this could be a good deal for some. UPDATE - not good on the Phantom 3's - I just noticed DJI inserted that into the would have been nice for them to think of this a while ago...the coupons said "Phantom Series" - oh, well, they are growing too fast for their own good...still, if anyone wants 5% off the P2 models, etc. on the DJI site the coupons are good - same with the Inspire coupon (below). CODE: HBJTER38 CODE: 8BFGKJYA CODE: 276MU8VY CODE: HQLM4TJA Here is the link to the Phantom on DJI's site. Here is one Inspire code.....I'll know when it's used and post another (if I have one!) LBSNAGQH
Thanks Webman, I just broke down and bought the Phantom 2 + H3-3D. I was undecided what to buy only using a cheap toy quadcopter before. There were a few different opions from different people most of them pushing me towards the Inspire. I wanted to make sure I stuck with the bobbie and got some pilot hours down before I dropped $3000. I figured this would be a good path using my go pro 3. Anyway thanks for the code. I'm new to the site and wanted to say hello and thanks for having me to your community.