Ei-Hi S911 Charging Problems

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by chemist931, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. chemist931

    chemist931 New Member

    Recently I purchased and Ei-Hi S911 Night Drone, and with my luck, it got stuck in a 170 foot tall tree... That shows you my piloting skill. It came down at night after a huge thunderstorm, and it was rained on heavily. Now when I plug it in to charge, the red light (indicates if charger is plugged in) comes on, the green charging light flickers a bit, and then both go out. This repeated every few seconds until both refuse to come on again until I unplub the charger and plug it back in. So, is this a battery, microcontroller, or charger issue? I am going to buy a new and better battery anyway, so it's all good if that fixes the problem, but I want to know now if that is probably something else.

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