Drone turns on, then back off in about 5 seconds

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by cougar, May 4, 2015.

  1. cougar

    cougar New Member

    I have an Ar Parrot Drone 2

    Firstly, let me make this clear, the battery is fully charged.

    The drone does turn on. All 4 leds turn on, then it does its 4 beeps with all 4 motors twitching.

    All 4 leds never turn green. 5 seconds after the motors twitch, it turns off, then restarts this entire cycle.

    Is there a fix to this as I have looked everywhere with no solution. Mine is out of Warrenty so telling me to send it to Parrot for a Warrenty fix is a no go as well as the battery already fully charged.

    It had a rather hard landing after using it in a massive airsoft battle for recon. I am posting a video of what it does and hope someone can tell me what I need to do.


    Last edited: May 4, 2015
  2. IceFyre13th

    IceFyre13th Guest

    Have you tried the reset button yet?

    Gears on the motors and propeller shafts, check them for binding and if the shafts are bent.

    all connections inside, are they tight....hard landings tend to knock these out.
  3. cougar

    cougar New Member

    Yes I tried the reset button and nothing happened.
  4. IceFyre13th

    IceFyre13th Guest

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