Vimeo video - note- Vimeo only streams at HD (1080). You have to hit their download tab and choose the UHD (ultra high def) download and put it on your computer to watch. For most people this simply is not worthwhile. This is my first attempt at 4K video from the p3 - I purposely took some difficult video - close up of grass and hay and it was a bit windy, so the grass is blowing - a very difficult scene to process in video. The problems with 4K video are many....mostly related to bottlenecks that most people have on their computers, their internet connections, etc. If you upload to youtube or vimeo your video has to be dumbed down quite far (compressed), doing away with many of the potential advantages. For most users I would suggest recording at 1080 60P which at least is playable to most users and devices.
Here is the youtube version - again, without a super-fast connection, fast computer and also changing the youtube settings (the gear in the bottom right of window), you won't get 4K - and, even if you do it's compressed by youtube.