Did I purchase a lemon drone (bad image quality)?

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by TylerElectronics, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. TylerElectronics

    TylerElectronics New Member

    I recently purchased a used QC1 quadcopter. When I went to take photos with the drone I was disappointed with how the photos turned out. All the photos are blurry and have lines across them (as you can see from this gallery): http://imgur.com/a/KBtLB

    Is it normal for this drone to have image quality like this or did I get a broken camera? Also is there any way I can improve the quality?
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Buying a used toy quadcopter is never a good idea. Yours looks like a rebadged JJRC, they tend to have OK vid quality for the price.
  3. TylerElectronics

    TylerElectronics New Member

  4. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

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