Hi, I am currently researching to do my very first quadcopter build and I have selected motors, ESC's, frame but I am curious about the KK2 control board: and Turnigy 9x 1. I am wondering how you would possible set these two up to work together? (if this is even possible) 2. Is there a receiver built in to the control board and can I bind it to the Turnigy 9x? 3.if possible would this be a good set up to work together?
Well first thing you have to do is get one of these to flash some decent FW. http://goo.gl/ZxgqmV Then go here to grab some Steveis FW. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2298292 Search out some YouTube vids for the flashing procedure and where to get the software (free) to do the actual flash. The Turnigy TX comes with a 9X8C-V2 8-channel receiver which needs to be connected to the KK2. Again search out some YouTube vids.
See the pins on the left side - you can get cables that match. https://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uploads/181270330X7478X47.pdf http://www.instructables.com/id/A-SK450-Dead-Cat-Quadcopter-to-Call-Your-Own/step12/Connect-Radio-Receiver-to-Flight-Controller/
Thank you very much for all of these reply's. My build is making progress and i have been larning alot!
My advice....deep six the kk2 and get yourself a nice APM 2.8 with a ublox neo 7 GPS antenna. Not much more money but a TON more features and easy to set up.
You mean like more than triple the cost is 'not much more'? Yea OK. Let the kid get his quad flying. @Pauls3480 The KK2.15 is a fine FC, and quite easy to set up and doesn't need to be hooked up to a computer for any settings. And most of the time it flys just fine with standard tunings. And the price at ~$20 makes it a bargain.
I ended up just ditching the kk2 all together. the first one I bought ended up breaking(the screen would show no text). I decided to spend the money and get the dji naza m lite. I wanted a fail safe option since i was putting an expensive camera/gimbal setup. I still have to fine tune some settings but it works great. I really enjoy flying it. I want to build sometime of 250 Sized and get into FPV stuff. Im so glad i didn't just go out and get a phantom
The naza is a great choice, that is definitely something you can take to new frames as you build new ones and the GPS will be rock solid. Kind of makes the APM look a little sheepish! RG was right though, the kk is a good board...generally. If you decide to get one again, maybe consider the one in the hard shell with a detached screen. The screen attached always made me nervous, seems too easy to damage if you decide to back-land. As for the phantom.....anyone can buy a RTF quad...the real skill comes into play when you build one yourself (along with a lot of pride). Just don't get discouraged there's a steep learning curve...I'm still playing around at the bottom of it!