Review or Mini-Review Craig Electronics CRT713 WiFi Camera Drone

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Ericsfinck, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. Ericsfinck

    Ericsfinck New Member

    Hello! My name is Eric Finck, and I am trying to start doing drone reviews. This one is kind of like a PSA as well.

    The day after Christmas, one motor burnt out. On top of that, i called customer service, and they said that they were out of stock (which is a lie, they are in stock on their website here ) and she also said that they were out of motors too. She told me i had to return it to the store it was purchased from, but heres the problem: ITS A 20 HOUR DRIVE FROM ME!

    Anyone have any experience with this company or happen to have a motor they can send me?

    TL; DR: I got a drone for christmas, motor burnt out next day, terrible customer service, help?

    Link to my review:

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