Changing Controls

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by Obsidian, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Obsidian

    Obsidian New Member

    Hello guys, I just recently got the Walkera Runner 250 (Devo 7) and I have a problem. You arm and disarm the drone with the throttle stick which I don't like due to the fact you could disarm accidentally while it is in the air. Now my question is, can you change the arm and disarm function to an unused switch on the flight controller. Some people suggested using Multiwii, but can someone explain how I would use mutiwii because I'm kind of new to this. Thanks!
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Well first off I Imagine upwards of 95% of flyers use the sticks for arming/disarming. Have you read or seen any examples of folks accidently dis-arming in flight?

    This is not a subject easily explained in a few brief sentences. There are apps that need to be download to communicate with the the Multiwii and then the Multiwii config program (the GUI) needs to loaded. You of course need to know the version /FW you have. And there is always the chance that you'll mess up a setting or two and then have to start from scratch with your set up.

    That said this forum will be the best place to search.
  3. Obsidian

    Obsidian New Member

    ok, I found this video: problem is it does not seem to connect to multiwii.

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