hello, firstly i am sorry if i am writing bad thread or somewhere wrong but... My dad wants a drone with good camera quality 5MP. And i want to spend for about 60$ more/less.. As i dont know anything about them i am writing here, is this a good deal? http://www.gearbest.com/rc-quadcopters/pp_198681.html or anyone has better idea what to do. Thanks in advance!
Any models in that price range are "toys" and the cameras are very low quality. But there are still good to learn with. In general, we suggest the Syma X5C for a beginner camera quadcopter - but there are others which are also good. I'd suggest buying from a place that has lot of parts - and also buy a model that is popular so you can get help (in forums) online. If you can't find a lot of forum discussions about a model - then it will be hard to get information about it when it needs repair. Toy drones always need replacement parts (new motors, gears, etc.)
I assume you fully charged the battery? New batteries in the controller? Hard to see what you are doing in than twisting vid. Almost looks like it was going into low battery mode. Take it outside on grass and get more distance between the controller and quad. Don't fiddle around once it's paired, hit it and see if it will come off the ground.