General Hint Blade 350 Gets Naughty

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Arthur Burke, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Arthur Burke

    Arthur Burke New Member

    Bought my Blade 350 some months back. Bought it in a BNF mode and been using a DX-8 to control it. Liked the idea of the "original" controller where the sticks are both centered. Went back to my local hobby store and he sold me a modified DX-4 - worked like a charm - until yesterday.

    Suddenly, the "kill switch" (which is also the bind control) no longer kills the rotors. On both the DX-8 and the DX-4, the same button used for binding is used to stop the props. But, for some unknown reason, the Bade decided that wasn't enough. I tried a couple of times to use the CSC, but it is almost impossible to avoid flipping the Blade over. I dumped it once on the driveway, then moved it into the grass for more testing. Same results.

    Redid the bind to the DX-4 - still can't stop the rotors. Drug out the DX-8 and redid the bind on that one. Same result. Finally discovered, very much by accident, that if I pulled back on the left stick (descending mode with the centered sticks, low throttle on the DX-8) *and* pressed the bind switch, the motors stopped instantly. That's not the way they're supposed to work, but I figured, okay, they now have a mind of their own.

    In the meantime, I lost one of the plastic washers used in the retaining pins (two in opposite corners through the rubber shocks). Snooped, sampled, waded through the grass to no avail. Dropped a note to Horizon Hobby, trying to find a part number to order some more. Within a day or two they politely wrote back (paraphrasing) that "...they were not designed to be sold individually...." Well.

    Got online and looked elsewhere and, to make the story a tad shorter, I found some pins for sale that are designed for a ZenMuse gimbal system - one of the ones used on the Phantom series. I bought a package of 10 from Drone Nerds in south Florida of ZenMuse ZN#-3D Spare Part No. 40 - Damping Unit Securing Kits. They pretty much fit the Blade 350 AX3 *and* they're a reasonable fit on my Phantom 3. They were either a whopping $5 or a shopping $3 - if you need 'em they're worth a lot more than that!

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