Best FPV quadcopter for under $800

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by dillonmcgee, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. dillonmcgee

    dillonmcgee New Member

    I am somewhat new to drones and i was hoping to get a decent quality easy to control drone with FPV for christmas but was not sure on what model to get
    This is what i found

    How good is this model? is there a cheeper one that does the same or better ? can i boost the fpv with a simple FPV transmitter and receiver?

    if not this what is the best option for me for this criteria
    $800 or less, lower is better but not diminish the other categories
    good flight time 10+ 20-30 min is great
    Easy to control and stable in some wind
    GPS stabilizers and return home
    FPV control with good pic and range- .25 mile- 1 mile or even more perhaps
    low risk of random failure
    will last a good while , dont need to fix parts all the time with not crash issues
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    This is certainly a good deal at this point - DJI is likely discontinuing the V2 in favor of the V2+ with the gimbal.

    The only downside here is that the video is not going to be stable. If you do mostly still photos, you can't beat the bargain and the price...and it's reliable.

    It comes with a wireless booster and has good FPV range. Note that the FPV on Phantoms is not really for flying with your eyes - more for framing photos and videos.

    Note - DJI is selling the same unit at their store - free extra battery and extra set of props....$759
  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I think the 1/4 mile range is all you will get but that is quite far with a quadcopter....the quad control will be longer and you can probably use mission planner (waypoint flying) to go further.

    Most of the other options are a lot of DIY or unproven. For example, the Parrot BeBop has FPV and GPS - not a long range though. It's new - and $499.

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