Balance Chargers

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by System_Shock72, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. System_Shock72

    System_Shock72 New Member

    Hey all...

    I'm a complete newb with quads and have a Syma X5 and x8. The charger that came with the x8 takes an extremely long time to charge a battery. Is there any other type of balance charger I can use that can speed this process up?

  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Sure - any decent balance charger should charge them quicker than the stock one.
    In terms of a decent model at a fair price - the accucel 6 has served me well. You do need to add your own plug (power supply) - but you probably have one in a pile in your electronics drawer that will work.

    The X5 doesn't need to be balanced because it is single cell. But you can still use a charger like this to charge them.

    You can find similar models at many sites and Amazon.
  3. System_Shock72

    System_Shock72 New Member

    Excellent! I just put it on order. Thanks for the advice!
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015

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