Autoflight Logic Autopilot

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by DrewA, May 17, 2016.

  1. DrewA

    DrewA New Member

    I am a newb with the Phantom 3 pro, and I have become confident with flying with the DJI Go app. I recently purchase the Autopilot by Auto Flight Logic 3.4.95. While trying to learn the interface and features, I have noticed that the videos and some of the docs don't match up to what I am seeing on my interface. One in particular, is when the settings video tells you to choose your aircraft. I have no option in my interface under preflight to choose my aircraft, but I notice with everything powered up my aircraft shows it is connected in the lower left hand corner of the screen. I guess my question is; are the video tutorials not consistent with the software updates? I am running into this with the text documents as well as the video tutorials. It is kind of scary as a new pilot to these smart aircraft, especially since I just spent a good 800.00 and some for this aircraft. I just don't want to make a mistake on my settings from a possible outdated tutorial and loose or crash my aircraft; not to mention cause property damage or bodily injury. Any response and mentoring would be greatly appreciated. I am ready to move onto more adventurous flying, bored with just hovering over my head. [​IMG]
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I don't have autopilot - but I know they have done some major updates recently (and probably all along), so it makes sense that many tutorials don't match up to the current app.

    Still - I have heard from others that it is an amazing app.
    If you need more details about it you probably won't find a lot of users here (because we don't have that many users....) - but there are some threads over at RDgroups which are dedicated to DJI SDK apps and some of those guys are quite experienced with autopilot.

    I'm currently using Litchi but will probably try autopilot also.
  3. DrewA

    DrewA New Member

    Thanks Webman. This forum and DJI are the first forum I have posted on, so I appreciate your input. I will check your suggestion out and see what those guys have to offer. I figured I would get my feet wet on the forums, and someone would turn me in the right direction; thanks for your insight.

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