Anyone know what the solution might be to this...?

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by nem907, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. nem907

    nem907 New Member

    So let me start off I am fairly new to the drone hobby and am currently taking a Drone Tech class and my instructor has been in the hobby for a few years now and doesn't know the solution to this problem so he said to check out some drone forums so I am here now.

    I have been using Mission Planner 1.3.25 build 1.1.5589.39444 to configure and set up my groups drone in my class but know it will not even connect to any computer we use and will not even allow a new firmware to be loaded onto it. I have tried different wires and different computers both seam to fail equally when I try to connect to the drone to the computer via USB. Some computers even fail to have the drone show up on the list of COM ports. The drone I am building is a CKE-MR04-001.

    If anyone knows of a fix to this problem then please respond to this and I can provide more information as needed. Thank you.

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