any MJX 600 owners out there

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Kyle Sterling, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Kyle Sterling

    Kyle Sterling New Member

    I just got one, was recommended to me by a friend who's been flying drones for a couple years, said it would be a good starter. This is the first remote control ANYTHING I've ever owned and its giving me fits, after about 35 crashes I think I kinda have it down, as long as I keep it pretty close to me I can do alright. My problem is when it gets out there past 50 yards I tend to lose control, I cant see it well enough at that distance to tell if its facing me or going away, I have lost it twice, found it the first time but lost it again last night and not sure if i'll be able to find it this time, after the first time I went ahead and ordered another so it should be here this week. They need to make some kind of homing beacon to attach to these things so you can find em when they fly off to parts unknown, anybody know of such a thing ? I figured I would learn with this one and then step up to a Phantom 3. Also the joysticks on the remote keep falling out and I'm thinking about taking some model airplane glue and gluing them in. Seems like every time I fly I get a little better, maybe all I need is more seat time, also the wind is a major deal with this thing, both times I lost it I had it up around 100 feet and the wind just took it, and it was not THAT windy imo. Anyway glad I found you guys, any help will be appreciated...Roost
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    What color is it?
  3. Kyle Sterling

    Kyle Sterling New Member

    black, does that make a difference ?
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Realistically, flying any of these toys further than 100 feet away from you is likely to cause quick loss - I should know of what I speak, since I have lost at least 8 of them. The last one I only got 1 flight one (Syma 8) - and the wind took it and my Runcam far away!

    The toys are for learning the ropes. You will find GPS controlled drones vastly easier as they will not drift with the wind. However, if you intend to go into FPV and/or racing with non-GPS models then you are gonna want to learn how to fight the wind.

    The problem with most drones is that you cannot see orientation at any decent distance.
  5. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Get some of these for your 2 front props.
    Or at grab some white tape and stripe the 2 front arms and across the the 2 front motor pods. Actually do both.

    Everything I've ever owned ends up with at least contrasting props.

    Some tips here:
  6. Kyle Sterling

    Kyle Sterling New Member

    webman, that last sentence, you hit it on the head there, it dos'nt matter if you have different color props you still cant tell if drone is more than 50 yards away, I got this cheap one to learn with, once I do that I think I'm stepping up to a phantom3.

    RG, thanks for advise, I'm reading those tips now, gonna try it
  7. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Something wrong with your eyes? The point is to develop the proper muscle memory while you still can see them, so that you can make your flight adjustments without thinking about it.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  8. Kyle Sterling

    Kyle Sterling New Member

    RG, lol, I'm beginning to think so man, I had my neighbor standing next to me last night and he couldn't tell either, so I lost another one, I just need more seat time I think. These MJX's tell you which way your facing by the lights on bottom, once that puppy gets out there 50-75 yards you cant differentiate the colors anymore. Also I think part of my problem is I'm 50 and never owned anything r/c in my life, seems guys who grew up playing with rc cars etc have a much easier time. I'm now buying my 3rd 600, maybe I can keep up with this next one, watching these guys on youtube fly these things I have a long way to go. I can ride the hell out of a KX500 though and only a handful of guys can do that

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