Advancements in battery Tech

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by Kue, May 21, 2015.

  1. Kue

    Kue New Member

    Hi Everyone. Brand new member. Long story short, promising "new" tech in Lithium - lithium titanate. 10C charge rate. 30C Discharge. I think 10 times the life cycle. Crazy stuff. But the downside is that it only puts out 2.4 volts.

    So I am wondering could I just buy 2 of these, wire them in parallel and then use some resistors or something to drop the Voltage to 3.7V? Any ideas? I don't know if this matters But I just bought a Syma X5
  2. IceFyre13th

    IceFyre13th Guest

    No, they are not what you think they are.......and the burst ratings are nothing to go by...actual ratings are half what you stated

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