3DR Robotics Solo Specifications sheet

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by Tom Wolves, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. Tom Wolves

    Tom Wolves New Member

    Hello all , haven't been here in awhile, been on DJI Forum quite a bit. Any how I am wondering if anyone has the url to 3DR Robotics "Solo" specifications sheet, I went to their webpage and I can't find squat. I would like to know how high, how far, all of the nitty gritty. Anyway that is what I am in the hunt for.
    I fly a Phantom 2 Vision Plus, I am looking to purchase another quad copter, but I don't think it will be a DJI, maybe but I doubt it. The Yuneec looks good to me too, but I study and research before I take the dive. having a good support is one of my factors too! Thank you all for any help or direction I may receive.
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Yuneec seems to be floundering a bit - so I would wait a bit and see what goes. All of the big Yuneec fans are starting to turn.....against them (see the RCgroups thread).

    Do you really need a 2nd quadcopter?

    I can only fly so many at one time!
    But I must admit I put in an order for the P3 today - it's my job so I have to test it for my books and the site!
  3. specter

    specter Member

    If support is important then Yuneec is your choice. I have read all 600+ pages of the Yuneec RCGroups thread and I would be a prime candidate to buy a second Q500(+) or the Q500 with the 4K camera (if available - currently a tease).
    The most vocal opponents are upset about the camera not being a full 1080 as claimed and the very quick release of the Q500+ (many think they should receive upgrades).

    DJI makes a great product and have sold more than anybody else in the space, since you are familiar with the product you may be happier with their offering.
  4. Tom Wolves

    Tom Wolves New Member

    well webman I am certainly going to wait. I read all the hype on these multi copters which I do own one, no I don't need two but I like features like "follow me" waypoints etc. I like to read the spec's before I purchase anything. DJI seems to be the best in that department. I have emailed Yuneec question about the Q500, still without a response. I have emailed 3DR Robotics' about the Solo, haven't heard from them either. I agree the Phantom 3 does sound good, but even that no longer has "waypoints" if you want things like that now it will have to come from a third party app builder. I want reliability and support!, I am probably SOL.
  5. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    It is somewhat funny (to me) to see some old DJI fans go an buy the Yuneec....because they think DJI screwed them by lowering prices or coming out with a newer unit, etc. etc. - then they are on the Yuneec threads yapping about Yuneec doing the same thing! You have to wonder if some of these folks are more about being professional complainers than being pilots! They act as if Yuneec owes them something because they bought a quad 2 months ago...and now a new model is coming out.

    It's crazy....but I'm learning quick it can't be stopped. All I know is that it will never happen on this board (none of that stuff allowed...all conversations must actually be productive as opposed to seeing how we can all gang up and try to get something out of a manufacturer, etc.).
  6. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    A great $2000 quadcopter just came out! It even has a warranty that if you lose it or crash it, you can fly another!
    Guess what it is.....??

    (two (2) Phantom advanced)
  7. Tom Wolves

    Tom Wolves New Member

    Well when I started this thread I wasn't and am still not complaining at all ( not that you were insinuating that I am complaining) I am just trying to find the spec's on the 3dr Robotics "Solo". Apparently 3DR Robotics doesn't have a specification sheet on their "Solo". webman your right and I totally agree with you that on some of these forums there are "professional complainers", at time I don't even want to get on those forums. If you have any information on how I can obtain a spec sheet on the Solo I would greatly appreciate it. I am thinking maybe you have some pull seems how you are a writer and all. Oh ! by the way, what $2000 quadcopter has a warranty that if you lose it or crash it, you get another? That is hard to believe!:)
  8. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Well, first of all I don't believe it. That's a ploy that they can perhaps afford in the beginning as a sales tool, but their services can hardly keep up with the old Iris, etc. - you can only imagine what will happen if they have to deal with thousands of consumers!
    I'd place bets that this so-called warranty won't stand up when things start selling big....maybe some subset of it. Remember, it's they who has to tell you whether it was their fault! So you have to trust them too.

    I'm not down on 3DR - just commenting on marketing. Oh, and I don't call any of the folks here complainers....just crazy seeing all those other boards where folks are trying to get free stuff out of all the vendors and seem to turn on them on a dime!

    Oh, for $249 a year - a private party will give you a warranty on your Phantom Vision + - this includes shipping both ways and all repairs...even for crashes! So it's possible to get covered to a pretty good degree.

    I guess the Solo may have just built a couple hundred into the price for that service. Whether people want to pay it is open to question.

    Hopefully that spec sheet will be forthcoming! A lot of the current claims seem like just sales pitches. I did see one mention of 800 meters range, but another said only 400 meters. Maybe the final product isn't in production yet. As we also know, the specs - even if we find them - are just claims. Flight times are usually 30% or more shorter than claimed on all quads, etc.

    Well, off to the airport - bringing my Phantom along on a short trip to Florida.

    Attached Files:

  9. Tom Wolves

    Tom Wolves New Member

    Finally !!! I was emailed the Specifications on the 3DR Robotics " Solo" .

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