With a budget of $300.00 Would like to find a Quadrochopter with the following 4 features included. Minimum 5 MP camera that can do still shots Minimum 300 ft or 100 meter control range. FLV Return home if signal lost. Know of any that fit this criteria?
Proper RTH requires GPS. There are no GPS equipped models in that price range. You can sometimes find the original Phantom 1 or Blade 350QX2 for as low as $320 or so....you'd have to add a camera and FPV system. Some chinese cheapos come in under that price but no GPS and they are largely disposable.
Thanks for the reply. I might wait a while then. Until some non disposable competition has GPS in price range
If you are somewhat technical, you could consider the Hobbyking Quantum Nova or the Cheerson or WL 303 which are very similar. About $300 and includes GPS. With proper setup, care and some tech ability you'll have a GPS equipped bird and can add the cam and FPV.... http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__55106__Quanum_Nova_FPV_GPS_Waypoint_QuadCopter_Mode_2_Ready_to_Fly_.html