1st flight with a Pixhawk FC and on my rebuilt Tarot Iron Man

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by photojunky, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. photojunky

    photojunky Member

    This was my first flight with my rebuilt Tarot Iron Man 650, and the first time I have flown using the Pixhawk flight controller. It is very different from the Naza's I am use to flying. The "Loiter" flight mode is really mellow, but when I put it in "Sport" mode I got a surprise. It was very sensitive and very fast.
  2. ryanolivas

    ryanolivas New Member

    It seems that Sport mode is hard to control :)
  3. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    That's why it's a 'sport' mode, for those who like to actually fly using their own skills.
  4. photojunky

    photojunky Member

    I accidently put it in sport mode today and almost crashed it going about 50MPH. When I realized what I had done I flipped the switch to loiter and it almost turned over from the momentum.

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