Mavic Pro forward Obstacle Avoidance Issue

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by dr_jett, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. dr_jett

    dr_jett New Member

    Since I updated my Mavic firmware two revisions ago the forward obstacle avoidance sensors would only work for a minute or two after take off. I recalibrate my imu and vision sensors serval times successfully but the only way I could get them to work for longer was to down grade all the way back to the original release. I really didn't want to send it in because my goggles were supposed to ship soon, but tech-support says it was a software issue I need to send it back.
    Here is where gets weird I got a notification on Tuesday this week they were done with the evaluation so I called them and they said that it may have went back into evaluation. So I call them every day the rest of the week to check in on it because they told me to and no one could find out what was going on so I asked for a manager and they tell me that the manager. So then the manager tell me that they will make sure evaluation is completed and they get an invoice created. then I got a email this afternoon saying the valuation was complete and it says I need it to pay to have the vision sensors replaced along with the main board and that there was damage of the forward sensors. Which doesn't make any sense at all because it's never been crashed and it was sent in for just a software issue. I have DJI care refresh but I hate to spend the $79 to pay for something that was a software issue on my Mavic. Anyway my Mavic is only 3 months old so it's under warranty.
    Does anyone have any experience with this issue or how I should proceed?
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Do you have any more information? From what you are saying, it appears they looked at the logs and the sensors and determined that it hit something (they can tell the G-Forces and all kinds of otheryo data)...

    You have two choices the way I see it - either continue to press the manager using the info I gave you above - that is, ask him point blank what they see which makes them determine that it is your fault.

    Warranty, of course, only covers factory defects - which also is possible if it never hit anything or crashed. So he HAS to make the case to you of how it got damaged. If the exterior is perfect this would be a hard case to make!

    Of course, there are those "in-between" cases where it may have been traveled with and/or you or someone else mishandled it when it was not turned on - this would not show up in any logs.

    The other choice is to spend the $79 Refresh, but insist that they send you a fully completed and evaluated unit - NOT your old unit.anta

    In the end time is money. I don't have Refresh on my Mavic and I am somewhat expecting to have to pay for repairs within the first year - just because the camera and gimbal are so tiny and other such factors. I probably should have bought Refresh.

    These new smaller machines have their advantages but certain parts may be more subject to stress than the one-piece larger Phantoms.

    Good Luck!
  3. dr_jett

    dr_jett New Member

    Well, I finally talked to a manager and they went and looked at my drone. He determined that it should be warranty because the flight data had no incidents and the mark that someone had noted was a very light mark. They stepped up and took care of it all. thanks!
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    That sounds right - if they have no data of misuse or crashes or bad drops it should be warranty.

    good luck!

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