best small hd video stunt drone for under $200

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Brendon Graham, May 3, 2017.

  1. Brendon Graham

    Brendon Graham New Member

    hi i just got into drones a couple months ago and its awesome. i started off with the protocol AP Video Drone. i had that for about 3 weeks before it flew off. i liked how easy it was to fly, the 3 different speeds, charge time, and the flip button. i disliked no fpv, only one fail safe that if that doesn't work your sol. after that i got the Dromida Hovershot. i like that one alot. the pros are : that its durable, has fpv, alot of safety features, and at least 3 ways to killswitch if needed. the cons: the power wires connecting th drone to the battery and the battery its self are the week points, very fragile. video and picture quality could be better, doesn't want to stay in the air for very long if theres any gust of wind at all even the slightest, i've read the manual and have tried to get it to flip but have only gotten it to do 360's. the flight time could be longer, connectivity is a pain in the ass at times. the wing gaurds and blades are pretty fragile and will break. i broke the wing gaurds on my first flight, of course i accidentally flew it into a basketball pole. getting the blades off can be a bit of a hassle. so i'm looking for a small hd video stunt drone that has the good elements of both of these with a better camera, longer flight time, and less problems with connectivity/ fpv, for under $200. preferably something that'd be great flying outside but also great in my little 300 sq ft apartment. don't want a go pro attatchment. also possibly looking into getting a larger one but don't want to spend $300 +.
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Usually something flyable in 300 sq ft will not be able to handle outside conditions, unless conditions are dead calm.

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