Syma X8HG Motor Problem

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by keith1517, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. keith1517

    keith1517 New Member

    Hello everyone. This is my first post. I am a newcomer to the world of quads. My son got a Sharper Image X7 quad from his Opa for Christmas and we both have been bitten by the bug. I bought a Syma X5HC and then decided to step up to a Syma X8HG to get better video. I have been satisfied with the quad, other that having to pay the Feds a 5 dollar tax to fly the darn thing and having to call the local GA airport anytime I want to fly it. Anyway, I bought the upgrade motors from NightLion off of Amazon and finally got around to upgrading. When I got everything back together one of the motors did not function. I removed the motor from the quad to ensure that it wasn't just a gear mesh issue and the motor doesn't function at all. OK, I then plugged one of the original motors and that didn't work, along with the other three. Here's where I get confused. I flipped the quad over and spun it up while checking the connector pins on the quad. I get battery voltage to the pins. I checked another motor that was working and got similar voltage. What gives? It doesn't appear that the connector is moving down in the quad. I appreciate the advice in advance. Looking forward to what you guys have to say.

  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Check there very carefully, maybe trying to work the pins out a bit.
  3. keith1517

    keith1517 New Member

    Did some additional testing after taking the quad apart. I get voltage at the pins, top of the connector, and at the output on the board with no motor connected. When I connect a motor, and I tried several motors, I lose voltage at the same tesf points. I'm guessing it's the ESC but not 100 percent sure. I ordered a new board and will replace that. I did try the motor in question on another input and it works fine with no issues. Am I on the right track? Thanks again folks.

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