HUBSAN H501s Battery life question

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by T.C., Jun 5, 2016.

  1. T.C.

    T.C. Member

    Hey everyone, I was flying my h501s for the first time. For those of you who own one may already now it shows it's qaudcopters battery life. However mine lasts about 8 minuets before it shows their is no battery life. However when I land it it goes from no bars to saying 2 bars again. So I am curious if I push the battery til it dies, what happens when the battery dies, does it just fall or will it not let you do that.
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    In my experience the batteries in these slowly die meaning the props do slower and slower and the machine lands.

    However, it is not good for the battery to run it too low - so 8-9 minutes is probably good.
  3. T.C.

    T.C. Member

    That's probably correct. I just don't want to take any stupid chances, orther wise thats 3 hundred dollars down the drain. Unfortunately I was using follow me mode tongiht and crshed into a pine tree because I was running. It made some horrible noises :) and fell to the ground. Luckily it still worked.

    Amateur mistake :(
  4. Dave1960

    Dave1960 New Member

    On a stock 2700 battery in a steady hover I have achieved over 18 minutes. The on screen display was reading 6.8V but I don't think that telemetry is particularly accurate. On Landing I checked the battery and it was reading 3.5V per cell so the telemetry was probably reading correctly but the battery was experiencing sag at the time. I've found an alternative battery - details posted on this forum elsewhere. It's 2150mAh BUT 20C and 1/4 the price of stock.
  5. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    I'd say it's a load vs. no load effect. Battery voltage always sags under load (in this you're flying/using current).

    Here's a Li-Ion test with a 20A load applied.

    Note how the voltage instantly sags from the initial 4.2V. If you had one of the popular LiPo alarms on it it would be squealing like a pig.
  6. Dave1960

    Dave1960 New Member

    Yes I'd pretty much ignore the battery meter display for the quad.
    Fly it for 15 minutes and then put a tester on it - it will still be showing 3.7 volts per cell which is very acceptable.

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