Blade QX 350-3

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by ram1000, May 19, 2016.

  1. ram1000

    ram1000 New Member

    My wifes QX350 won't elevate beyond about 100 +- feet. It doesn't clear all the trees here in the NW. I suspect I need to switch something but what???
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    This depends on exactly which model and firmware and what Remote you have!

    My guess is that you have it in "smart" mode which is a 45 meter maximum height.

    If you put it into stability mode or AP mode (depending on firmware) it should be able to go to unlimited height.

    This is probably a simple switch on your Remote - but check your manual if you purchased it with a Remote.
  3. ram1000

    ram1000 New Member

    No, I tried it in its manual modes as well.
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Did the LED lights on the machine reflect the proper mode.

    It would seem impossible that it would hold ANY height unless specific GPS programming was, for whatever reason, taking hold inside the machine.

    In order of possibility, I would say
    switch programming
    firmware glitch (can you update or replace firmware in the 350?)

    Does it hold any other geo-fences? In other words, in a big open area can you fly it a couple hundred meters horizontally away from you?
    All of this points to the same potential problems although there is a rare possibility that the glitch is based on the barometer and not on the GPS (if it's height only).

    If after all tries you can't get it right, try a message with the very clear results (is it just height limited, what TX you have, etc.) to USdronerepair. You will find them on facebook and elsewhere. Jeremy has had these machines down to their bare pieces!

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