Syma X5C-1 / Quadrone ProCam: MEMORY CARD FORMAT?

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Ed.H, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Ed.H

    Ed.H New Member

    Hi -
    Got a new Quadrone ProCam via AWW Industries which is very similar to the Syma X5C-1 with a camera.

    All was working great, including storing & retrieving pics & vids from the 2GM microSD card.

    Then I used the microSD for a different electronic device, which obliterated the microSD partition, reformatted it, etc. etc. wrong wrong! I neglected to write down the original partitioning and formatting; likely a Primary Partition with FAT or FAT32?

    Now I am trying to restore that same microSD to work with the drone.
    I am using tools like the Windows Partition Magic tool

    Tried a few settings, e.g. FAT, FAT16 and FAT32, and also primary and extended partition. And formatted the drive too (avoided using Quick Format of course.)

    I recall there are supposed to folders called PHOTOS and VIDEOS -- not sure if I have to create them or let the drone create them.

    When you all buy new microSDs for this model drone, does it just work when you plug it in? Or is there a partitioning and formatting process? What is the name of your partition -- it is what appears in Win Explorer when you plug it in?

    The more details you could share about your memory card partition and format the better.

    Thanks in advance for advice / details!

  2. Ed.H

    Ed.H New Member

    More details on the above SD Card memory inquiry --
    - yes, I checked the connectors to the camera
    - yes, from an button and video point of view the controller beeps once for still and continuous double beeps when videoing (same as when it was working)
    - The little LEDs inside the camera never light up any more at all (regardless of whether the SD card is installed or not
    - Yes, my PC can detect the partitioned and formatted micro-SD when plugged into USB, but the drone never creates the PHOTOS or VIDEOS folder or anything
    I just need to find some details on the set up, without having to buy another drone for a look at its SD card.
  3. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Well I just checked a Syma 4GB card.

    2 folders, FAT 32


    Have you tried to copy a file, photo etc. on to the card while in your PC, then play them back?
  4. Ed.H

    Ed.H New Member

    Thanks much, RG. Yes, the microSD works perfectly in all ways when plugged into a PC -- I do not have an Apple.
    I did the FAT32 Partition and created the 2 folders. Still does not work.
    I never see any LED light up within the camera. It would be very very odd if the camera happened to stop working
    electrically at precisely the same time I plugged in a (wrongly) partitioned and formatted microSD.

    I have never unplugged the camera so I well know the connector polarity is right / unchanged.

    The folder names are singular -- not plural PHOTOS + VIDEOS right?
    Can you/anyone tell me the name of the partition please?
    It is what appears with Windows Explorer for the microSD drive.

    Thanks very much!
  5. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    It ain't getting power or it's broken or the link from the radio isn't working.
    So you haven't tried unplugging/plugging back in? First thing I would've of tried along with carefully inspecting the connector and the socket with a magnifier. May as well open the camera and carefully inspect the wiring too. I doubt the wrong format has anything to do with your problem, this isn't some sophisticated piece of equipment that checks for formatting.

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