Syma X5SM and the wind

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by BruceDronePilot, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. BruceDronePilot

    BruceDronePilot New Member

    I had researched wind issues and found the X5 and X5-C had issues with wind. Well breeze if you want to be technical. Yet, found nothing on the X5SM but when out flying today noticed my drone had a serious issue fighting the breeze to return or move backwards for that matter. Wind was no more than 3 knots so does Syma just not know how to counteract this issue?
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Just the opposite, it's the newer X5S series that has wind problems.
  3. BruceDronePilot

    BruceDronePilot New Member

    Thanks for the correction.
  4. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    That's not to say that I recommend you go buy a Syma X5C-1.
  5. Kyle Sterling

    Kyle Sterling New Member

    I know I just bought a MJX x600 hexacopter (6 blades) and it has trouble with mild wind also
  6. BruceDronePilot

    BruceDronePilot New Member

    X5SW is a good learning toy but now I am looking at some newer models and using this latest experience to do better research on my next drone.
  7. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I have lost many a toy to the wind.
    Make sure the settings (rate) are more aggressive so you can fight the wind better.
  8. Jim Portteus

    Jim Portteus New Member

    I had a Syma X5C and I lost it once to the wind. I found it in a tree a couple hundred feet into the woods. One of the motors quit working a few weeks later and so I returned it. I then bought a Syma X8G. On the second flight, I lost it to the wind. Little did I know that I could have switched it to High rate and the gentle 5mph breeze would not have taken it from me. Luckly, I found it the next morning 1/4 mile from where I launched, unscathed! I'll post the video if I can figure out how. It bounced when it landed and has made many flights since.

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