Drone for Advertisment

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Rahul, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. Rahul

    Rahul New Member

    Hi Drone lovers,
    I am currently researching on the usage of drones for advertisements and would like to receive your help in finding out the right drones that can help propel the advertisement and campaigns.
  2. Rahul

    Rahul New Member

    I am looking to find the perfect drone solution that can carry a banner with it and remain static in air.
  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    This depends on your budget and how large the banner is - and also how long you wish to keep it in the air.
    One good deal is the old model of the Phantom- the Phantom 2. You can find it for $500 with a camera gimbal - the camera gimbal can be sold for $150-200, making the Phantom 2 (bare) cost you only about $300 US.
    It has a fairly heavy payload capacity and also GPS to keep it steady in the air.
  4. Rahul

    Rahul New Member

    I am glad to have your response. I expect a banner of this size https://photojojo.com/awesomeness/photojojo-drone-banner This link did mention Phantom 2 model. My some of the concerns were related to: FLight time (upto 30 min), easy to carry banner (without interfering with sensors) and economic pricing. I am not a techy and so have limited knowledge on drone. It was just that a week ago I saw my friend flying a remote controlled helicopter and I said to him that lets fly banners for our upcoming start-up.
  5. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, they are using a Phantom 2 in that picture - the banner will not get in the way of any sensors on that model.
    Also, the flight time is about 20 minutes - maybe a little longer if you have no camera on it. You cannot easily get a longer flight time with any drone.

    Depending on where you are located you might find the Phantom 3 Standard for the same price - which has plenty of payload as well as a built in camera and gimbal. It will easily lift that payload also.
  6. Rahul

    Rahul New Member

    It seems you have pretty good idea of Drones. Can you let me know the technical features I should focus on for my intended purpose (Camera is not my focus at all but loading a banner is). You are really being a great help for a novice like me.
  7. Rahul

    Rahul New Member

    ALso I would be interetsed to know, if these drones have any cycles limit (like a lifespan of xx cycle).
  8. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    If you are a careful pilots you can assume many 100's of flights. But as with any machine or aircraft, it depends on the operator and on conditions. It's more likely you will crash (human error) than anything else.

    The drone batteries will likely last from 100-400 cycles.

    In the real world, drones have a typical life span of 12-24 months of occasional use.

    As far as technical features what you need is the GPS which keeps it steady in the wind and hovering and a decent payload capacity. Most all of these machines have RTH (return to home or return to landing) abilities.

    If you need an inexpensive machine to do "waypoint" flying (that's to run the same route in the sky over and over again), you might want to step up to the Phantom 3 standard even though it has a camera you don't need. It has decent payload and also the app which allows you to fly various patterns.
  9. Rahul

    Rahul New Member

    You resolved all my queries. I cant thank you enough webman. It's really a great forum with such a close knitted family.
    webman likes this.

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