Clueless needing help

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by hub223, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. hub223

    hub223 New Member

    I got this drone - its my first one

    I've read the instructions and watched videos on how to bind my controller to the drone, but nothing works.

    On the control lcd panel, it says channel 3, when moving the right stick, the channel changes from 3 to channels one and two. - I dont really know what this means.

    I switch the drone on first, (wait for about 30 seconds) then switch my controller on, with the left stick down, it beeps to connect, but after a while they lose connection, like a couple of mintues, then I need to unplug and reconnect the battery from the drone and then switch the control off and start again.

    What am I doing wrong?
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Usually you have to "arm" the machine after you bind - the usual fashion with these toys is to move the throttle to full and back again to zero - and it should beep. The next time you move the throttle up the props should spin.
    This is just my first guess. It may be designed to unbind after a period of time if you don't arm it.

    I think the channel callouts are simply the R/C channel (there are 4 channels to control the various movements and throttle) - you shouldn't have to worry about those.

    Keep fiddling - it's likely to work. You may want to tie or weigh down the machine so it doesn't take off quick when you finally do the right combo!
  3. hub223

    hub223 New Member

    Ive been playing about with it, and still having issues.

    I've made a video to give you a better idea of whats going on -

    In the video, I had the controller switched on first, then the drone, even switching them on the other way causes the same issue.

    Im I leaving the throttle up for to long?

    Any ideas?
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Ok - so first thing....

    If the props spin like that, it is bound and armed - so your unit does not seem to have a "arm" mode. If it had that mode, you've have to move the throttle full and back (quickly) before the props would even start spinning.

    If I am looking at that video correctly, it seems that it works - and you could even fly it, BUT as soon as the throttle goes back to zero it will not advance again.

    Based on anything I've seen this would indicate a deeper problem than we can fix.....something in the TX or quadcopter is defective (IMHO).

    It's good to fiddle with things like you tried....but in the end, once the props start spinning they should just continue. You would be able to land, takeoff, land, takeoff, etc. without doing any rebinding or turning on and off.

    I think the next step is to return it. Sorry.
  5. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Instead fooling around inside like you did, take it outside and actually fly it. It's hard to say what your unnatural, hold down test is doing to it.
  6. hub223

    hub223 New Member

    Well, I forgot to mention, that I've had it outside to fly and the same thing happened, actually fell out the sky. :)

    Funny how the guy above you seem to figure out what I was doing.
  7. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    I don't guess, or make assumptions. Good trouble shooting procedures rely on neither.
  8. hub223

    hub223 New Member

    You made the assumption that I never took it outside to try it. :)

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