"The world's safest drone"

Discussion in 'Drone Dreaming' started by Richard Espy, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. Richard Espy

    Richard Espy New Member

  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Quite ugly.
  3. Richard Espy

    Richard Espy New Member

    Haha, why do you think so, RGJameson? The orange and white isn't so bad. The white in the video might be a prototype model
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    It's two guys in Florida attempting to enter the big time.
    I love dreamers - but the chances of any crowdsourced drone making it to the big time are about zero.

    I say that as someone who has invented a few things and have patents, etc. - it's a tough business! I remember hearing that only 1 in 2,000 patents ever makes a dime....or something like that.
  5. Richard Espy

    Richard Espy New Member

    It's a shame because some of these inventions really have a lot of value. No one else, to my knowledge, has thought of a caged quadcopter for the novice market. Flyability produces one for enterprise use
  6. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    There are lots of "safe" machines which have been either proposed or created - the Parrot Rolling Spider and similar stuff protects the quad.
  7. Richard Espy

    Richard Espy New Member

    The caged flying ball toy is one of the applications from Gaofei Yan's patent, which as per the XT Flyer website is the same guy working on this current model. His work was also popular popular a few years ago in the toy industry. One of his applications even won the hot toy of the year by CNN Money in 2012. Check out the screencap below. Now he is turning it into a drone.

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  8. Richard Espy

    Richard Espy New Member

    They also just released a graphic talking a little bit about their follow me function. Makes sense for them to talk about it since hitting an object in the way even at low speeds would be catastrophic for a low speed design.

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