Can't record when camera connected to 2nd battery

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Guido, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Guido

    Guido New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I've got a WLToys V666 and I got 2 extra 2800mAh batteries. They don't fit in the standard battery slot and had to mount them on a different spot but that made me think: Why not leave the default 1200mAh battery in place and use that for the FPV camera and use the 2800mAh for the rest. Should result in some extra flight time when recording!

    However, if I do that, the drone works, I can see the camera image on my FPV Monitor, but... I can't record anything or take a picture.

    When the board and the camera are both connected to the 2800mAh, all works fine. Same when both are connected to the 1200mAh. But when they are both connected to a different battery (doesn't matter in what way) recording doesn't work. Connecting one to 2800mAh A and the other to 2800mAh B doesn't work.

    Is this normal behaviour? Any ideas what might be causing this and how to fix it?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. aerosignal

    aerosignal New Member

    I was searching around when I encountered the same problem. I bought the V666 camera to install on my V393 and it had exactly the same problem. Did a lot of troubleshooting and I thought the camera was faulty! After reading your post, I realised it is not a camera defect. So I went back to relook at the problem. It has to do with both batteries not providing a common ground for signal sensing on the camera.
    What you need to do is to find a way to connect the negative wire (black wire) on both batteries together.
    I have tested it and it works!
  3. lsn

    lsn New Member

    Hello,how do you install the V666 camera to V393?I tried again and again,but failed.Thank you.
  4. aerosignal

    aerosignal New Member

    Well, it helps if you bought the camera as a kit with the anti-vibration mount. Even then, it's not straight forward. I'll get some pictures when I get home later.
    If you have just the camera, you will have to get creative. I have some ideas which I'll share when I get to taking the photos. 8)
  5. lsn

    lsn New Member

    Thank you very much.
  6. lsn

    lsn New Member

    First test:
    The camera connected to a battery of independent 2S and the Connector plug it in the B .First time you connect the video plug only because the timer is put on the red tv and start counting away the plug and put it back in the B connector and video to make.
    Interructor ago of the video

    Second test:
    If I connect the A and B as in the photo and food with 3s battery and the other picture is seen tv interference and do not control or video or photo with the command.

    Can you provide some picture? And which battery i should use?

    Attached Files:

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