Hubsan x4 not able to lift off

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by tdubbz226, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. tdubbz226

    tdubbz226 New Member

    New to the hobby and just got a Hubsan Quads x4 for my birthday (still a kid at heart). It worked great for two days then I tried flying it one day and it would not lift off. I tried recharging, changing props, taking shell off and checking everything. All the motors spin but it seems like they will not spin at full speed unless I pick it up and hold it in place. While holding it if I tilt it you can hear the rpms of the motors change. When I set it down and throttle up it will not leave the ground. Any suggestions?
  2. Alan Perlman

    Alan Perlman New Member

    That is strange. Especially since it works fine when you hold it.

    You might need to replace your Electronic Speed Controls. Sounds like yours are being affected by how the copter is oriented.
  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    If you got it from a decent vendor it should be returnable.

    The only time mine failed to get off the ground was when the props were installed wrong.

    It sounds like maybe the main board is messed up....either way, if I were you I'd return it.

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