Hi, I'm trying to learn to fly an x1 but struggling. Flying tethered has saved a lot of damage. I've used a necktie as a tether so as it lifts the weight increases but I'm not sure its the best approach. I've also tethered with string to a weight; it has about 30cm of string before its stopped; (although it can drag the weight around). This stops flyaway but is it also making it hard? What sort of length tether is the best compromise? ( I'm flying indoors mostly ) Also looking at it I find it quickly judge which direction is forward. Are there any neat tips / markings / ways of thinking about it which makes this easier. Likewise when operating the controls how do you get your brain into the pilots pov? thanks
Best hint I can give is to stand behind it and face in the same direction as it does - I don't know about the tether....I'd rather see you fiddle with some of the simulators to get a basic feel and then use the quad untethered.
Thanks; I've had a quick try*. Using a keyboard and screen feels very removed from actual flying ; the response is much slower and its even harder to see what's going on. Will try it some more and see. (ccrcsim; its linux but has a quadcopter model.)
Try the android sims if you have a tablet.... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.DDI.ARDroneSim There is another called Rc simm or something like that which uses a ladybug quadcopter...can't find it right now, but it's free.
Thanks. Have now got a lot better / crashed more and now less. It helps to always fly the X1 with forward facing away for you; i.e. rotate it that way as a top priority. Its easy to see because the front legs (white) are in front of the back legs (black). Spinning up the rotors first seems to give a more even take off (although not convinced about this). Am liking flying in circles; a bit of forward and rotation isn't as mindbending as constant adjustments. I've also found some coloured novelty led finger lights; a bit heavy but very easy to attach with the supplied rubber band. Very cheap too. I reckon the maximium payload is about 100gms; based on adding / removing keys fron a keyring.