Is Parrot the Canary in a Coal Mine…or, simply a bird that failed to fly properly? Recent news stories such as this one at Marketwatch have reported sagging drone sales and massive layoffs at the French Drone maker Parrot. In this article we delve a little deeper in the stories behind the story. Parrot was […]
Did your Drone Crash? Maybe it’s not your Fault!
Did your Drone Crash? Maybe it’s not your Fault! “Learn how to fly” “RTFM” (read the friggin manual). “you didn’t know how to operate the product you bought” “Too many drone pilots rely on GPS and have no experience flying a quad in manual” These are just a few of the “blame the customer” type […]
Parrot BeBop Quadcopter Review – Part 1 of 3
Our review of the Parrot BeBop Quadcopter will be done as a three part review. Subjects covered in the reviews parts are; Part 1: initial look / open box / instruction review / setup / range and “radio” check / first flight / initial thoughts Part 2: advanced flight / camera performance / flight time […]
Parrot BeBop Quadcopter Drone Pre-Review Rundown
As Promised, Parrot released their new BeBop Quadcopter at the beginning of December, 2014. The BeBop drone has been in development for over 2 years and contains some very innovative features at a reasonable price. The bigger question is – will it live up to it’s promise? Note – we just added a First Look […]