Blade 200 QX Quadcopter – First look, review and rating
Introduction Blade is the brand name given to R/C Helicopter and Multirotors (Quadcopters, etc.) by Horizon Hobby, an American company which has been in business since the mid-1980’s. They have offices and manufacturing around the globe and, in this sense, differ greatly from many of the current “toy grade” vendors. Horizon Hobby products are sold […]
Opportunities in Aerial Robotics 2014
Opportunities in Aerial Robotics 2014+ By Craig Issod ccc Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International PDF Copy of this Document:OpportunitiesinAerialRobotics2014forward Overview The author believes that aerial robotics is a burgeoning new field with numerous opportunities. However, overestimating the market may cause a classic “bubble” in these companies as the buzz around the industry grows. As with other budding […]
Why are there so few negative reviews on drones and quadcopters?
I’ve delved far enough into this endeavor to notice something which I have seen in MANY industries. That is, a lack of truly critical, negative and accurate reviews of many of the products! Understanding the Issue I could tell endless stories about this same tendency in other fields – for instance, I was in the […]