Note – UPDATE November, 2014
DJI has improved the Phantom 2 series with better props, motors and a new Transmitter – as a result, the prices of the new models have crept back up again. The older models are available at a steep discount on Amazon and elsewhere – however, for more flyers we suggest you go for the upgraded (more stable, better payload) models. You can be sure of getting the new models by at this link. ” target=”_blank”>buying direct from DJI or other known seller.
DJI is having some Black Friday Specials – also, they tend to give some deals (free extra battery, etc.) as we go towards the Christmas holiday seasons. Check this DJI link or Amazon for current prices and specials.
Breaking news – important enough for a blog post.
Prices of all DJI Phantom 2 models have been reduced – some by 100’s of dollars. An image of the new prices is posted below.
As one example, the top of the line Phantom 2 Vision + has been reduced from $1350 (appox) with one battery – to $1229. with two batteries. Valuing the extra battery at $100 (they cost more), that’s a savings of $220.
Here is a link to that particular model.
The bare Phantom 2 as well as the unit with a gimbal are also reduced. You can see all the models and prices by going to the Amazon Drone Store at this link.
Note – your favorite retailers online and around the world should also show a reduction in price – as this is official from DJI.

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